Emilio, A 3-Year-Old Mexican Cerebral Palsy Patient Receives Stem Cell Treatment
Emilio, a 3-year-old child from Mexico returned to Bangkok for his third treatment. His improvements after his first and second treatments have given his family renewed hope. Emilio can sit on his own and stand still longer, which was not possible earlier. Emilio’s mother believes that Stem Cell Treatment will help Emilio get better. She is impressed with the Verita Neuro team, including the facilities. She wishes to take her son back to Bangkok as often as possible and truly recommends anyone looking for Regenerative treatment to come receive treatments in Bangkok.
Emilio’s Improvements after Stem Cell Treatment
Emilio has been showing progressive improvements since his Stem Cell Treatments and this is the main reason his mother brought him to Bangkok for the third time for this treatment. During his third time, Emilio received a series of Stem Cell Treatment and Rehabilitation sessions which included Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy.
Every time we come here, we keep seeing improvements.”
– Emilio’s Mother
Emilio often tries to communicate and most importantly tries to understand what others are talking about.
Emilio’s mother is impressed by the staff’s professionalism. According to her, the staff is always there to help and the facilities are also very good, especially the pool.
Professionalism is truly everything.”
Messages of Encouragement from Emilio’s Mother
In this interview, Emilio’s mother shares her experience on coming here with her son. Before she arrived in Bangkok the first time, she used to think that her son’s treatment journey is going to be very difficult, but she was mistaken. After coming she now feels that Thailand is a beautiful country and the people are always helpful. Thai people have a special characteristic of being friendly and having warm hearts. According to her, the first most important thing was the airport pickup service by Unique Access; patients will not feel alienated and confused because there will always be someone who can speak their language within the team.
We really love it, we love the way Unique Access treats us. Everything is possible, everything can be done.”
What is Cerebral Palsy?
Cerebral Palsy or CP refers to a group of disorders which affect a person’s muscles and movement. It happens when a specific part of the brain which controls muscle movement is damaged. It will most likely happen to a child during the mother’s pregnancy period or soon after birth. There are two types of Cerebral Palsy, one that people are born with is called “Congenital” CP, and one that occurs after birth is called “Acquired” CP.
Cerebral Palsy symptoms include loss of muscle control and in severe cases it could lead to leg disability. In some cases, CP patients have difficulty speaking, or some might have intellectual disabilities.

Today doctors still cannot find the main cause of this disease that damages a certain brain function, but with Verita Neuro, there is an alternative treatment that can make a difference.