Images of young ballerinas suddenly collapsing in dance studios and the subsequent devastating diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis form part of the ‘popular’ narrative we conjure up whenever the disease is mentioned. However problems of balance and dizziness are only a few of the Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms Early Warning Signs.
Multiple Sclerosis sets in when the immune system attacks the central nervous system, affecting the brain, the spinal cord and optic nerves. There can be an ebb and flow to the symptoms, where one symptom can be followed by the next months or even years later. This makes the disease an extremely difficult one to diagnose as linking the symptoms would require a degree of prescience beyond the ordinary. This is why it is absolutely crucial to familiarise oneself with the Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms and early warning signs in order to make informed decisions.
For many, blurry vision, involuntary eye movements, double vision and pain in the eye(s) are the first warning signs of the disease. Even when these symptoms go away of their own accord, it may be a temporary abeyance and a visit to the doctor’s should be high on your priorities list.
Fatigue that is not preceded by a fair amount of physical and mental activity (for instance first thing in the morning) is another possible sign of the onset of Multiple Sclerosis. Be on the lookout too for unusual body sensations that may manifest themselves through tingling, severe itching and a general feeling of tightness or swelling. Should you experience an electric-shock-like feeling that travels down the spinal column and arms and legs when you move your head and neck, schedule an appointment with your doctor immediately.
Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms and Incidence

Facial numbness can be an indication of various disorders, and that includes the early onset of Multiple Sclerosis. Muscle spasms, more often than not accompanied by pain, could be an indicator of Multiple Sclerosis.
Diminished brain function shows up as cognitive missteps. These present themselves in the form of slurred speech, hazy memory and a considerably shortened attention span. These are classic early symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis.
A dysfunctional bladder may have its provenance in many health disorders. It is also an early warning sign of Multiple Sclerosis. Any incontinence issues, an overpowering urge to pass urine and a sharp spike in toilet visits should be brought to the attention of your doctor without delay. Constipation and diarrhea are also possible indicators of this disease. Low libido should also be considered as a possible symptom of Multiple Sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cell Treatment
Stem Cell Therapy is now available for those suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. Patients on this regimen can expect marked improvement in motor function, balance and coordination, easing of fatigue, improved vision, regaining of bladder and bowel control, the alleviation of neuropathic pain and a significant reduction and occasionally complete elimination of tremors and fatigue.
Supportive remedies and therapies include Acupuncture, Aquatic Therapy, Physiotherapy, IV Vitamin Drips and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation among others.
If you are considering Stem Cell Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis please get in touch and a Patient Representative will guide you through the treatments that are best suited to your needs.