American T12 Spinal Cord Injury Patient Undergoes LamiSpine Surgery
Kelly Longo, a 44-year-old patient from California, USA, was left with a T12 Spinal Cord Injury after she fell from climbing up the ladder to a rooftop. Despite this incident, Kelly remained exceedingly optimistic and high-spirited as ever.
In search of a treatment for her condition, Kelly did a lot of research and looked into different studies from the US as well as various available options from different countries, before deciding to come to Bangkok for the LamiSpine Surgery with Verita Neuro.
Kelly’s Major Improvements from the Treatment
Kelly underwent the LamiSpine Surgery in combination with extensive sessions of Rehabilitation including Physiotherapy, Aqua Therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, all of which made up her Personalised Treatment Plan. Following this, Kelly shared with us that she notices more sensation and pulses in her legs, compared to absolutely nothing prior to the treatment. Her husband has also shared with us that he feels a rise in temperature in Kelly’s legs for the first time after the accident. Moreover, this treatment has also helped Kelly retain movement in her thighs and glutes. She was also able to get off half her pain medication as she experienced a tremendous reduction in her nerve pain.
There are a lot of little firsts here that are happening, so it’s really exciting.”
– Kelly
Having witnessed all of these improvements, the couple’s confidence grew. They are extremely excited at the prospect of more progress in the future.
I am pretty confident I will walk again”
– Kelly
Furthermore, Kelly and her husband also share their positive impression on the facilities and the staff, who have made their stay in Bangkok very warm and comfortable.
Kelly’s Optimistic Nature
In the midst of difficulties, Kelly never failed to keep up with her overflowing optimism. In doing so, she has become an inspiration to both her husband, and undoubtedly, other people with Spinal Cord Injuries who are fighting the same battle as she is.
I am not giving up until I walk again”
– Kelly
What is a Spinal Cord Injury?
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) occurs when there is a damage in the Spinal Cord and as a result, a disconnection between the brain and the voluntary movements in the body. In SCI patients, the motor functions, reflex, and sensory are usually affected, although each person’s symptoms and recovery process all vary. The cause of Spinal Cord Injury is mainly from traumatic injuries, including motor vehicle accidents, falls, or sports.
Anatomically, the Spinal Cord is divided into four distinct parts starting that are the Cervical Spinal Cord, Thoracic Spinal Cord, Lumbar Spinal Cord and Sacral Spine. The degree of severity also correlates with the location at which the injury occurs; Cervical being the most severe and so on. The injuries can either be complete, meaning the Spinal Cord is entirely damaged, and an incomplete injury where patients could retain some motor functions in the body.