*To learn about Isaac’s story from the beginning, please visit the first blog post in this series.
Supplemental therapy was a big part of Isaac’s treatment with us. It wasn’t just about getting him used to the strain of using his lower limbs, it was also about healing his body as a whole.
Which is to say, the staff was really looking out for Isaac’s well-being. This was done through daily immune-boosting medication, aquatic therapy or, with the help of our holistic health specialist Yasinee, some very helpful acupuncture.
Yasinee’s job was to use her skills to treat Isaac’s symptoms as they arose. She would meet with him every day, they would talk about how he was feeling and she would focus her efforts on helping alleviate whatever was bothering him, whether it was pressure pain, high blood pressure or anxiety. The approach was not only effective, it also helped Isaac feel good about the level of care he was receiving at the hospital.
It’s easy to imagine that Isaac was nervous about being far away from home, getting a treatment that as of yet isn’t widely recognised, saying:
I was kind of hesitant on how the surgery and implant were going to go… it felt like a gamble, throwing the dice.”
But with the help of dedicated people like Yasinee and seeing how quickly he as making progress, he knew he had made the right decision, he continued,
I’m really optimistic and I’m pretty sure the sky’s the limit!”
With a team of doctors and clinical specialists in tow, Isaac was feeling better and better about his journey to Bangkok.
To read about the next part of Isaac’s story, please click here.