“What if I’m in that 1%?”,
Andrew asked, much to the doctor’s bafflement. It was clear from the very beginning he would not take no for an answer.
After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, the doctor finally replied: “Well, the odds are stacked against you Mr. Bell!
As I said, only a 1% of Spinal Cord Injury patients have been able to regain voluntary movement in their lower limbs.”
As a former cage fighter, a natural born entrepreneur and a relentless go-getter, Andrew knew he would eventually prove the doctor wrong. Unlike many others, being realistic has never been his default state.
Andrew coldly stared at the doctor straight in the eye and added with a grin
Before my 30th birthday, I will once more stand on my own. You can mark my words sir”.
There was little left to say. The conversation ended shortly afterwards, so he rolled away without looking back.
What followed shortly afterwards was perhaps the most time-consuming internet search Andrew had ever done. He demanded an answer, a potential cure for his situation and he would not give up until he found one. His old MMA fighting instincts blossomed within him like they did so many times before. Andrew persisted and persevered, his immovable goal kept him going and on the day he turned 30 he was to stand up again on his own.
After hours of industrious research, a scattering of websites laid before him, some more appealing than others, all of them offering what appeared to be legitimate treatments. After much pondering and some healthy reluctance, Andrew contacted our team and immediately afterwards Verita Neuro was on his case.
After having arrived in Thailand and having the Epidural Stimulation device implanted in him, Andrew also received 8 Stem Cell injections in order to regenerate the part of the Spinal Cord that was damaged.

Shortly afterwards, the day of his birthday had arrived and as we all know, every birthday that ends with a 0 is a relevant one, but some are somewhat more transcendental than others.
On this day, he was to test for the first time the Epidural Stimulation device and find out whether his entire trip had been worth it.
While the medical team at the hospital turned the device on, Andrew bravely grabbed on to the bars of the walker. Holding tight on both sides, he looked around him and knew that the time of reckoning had arrived. The hospital staff was staring at him, expecting a small miracle. Andy was ready to deliver it. Time stood still.
At that very instant, during that unforgivable minute during which the eyes of all those present were filled with humidity, an irreplaceable memory was carved in the hearts of all.
Andrew Bell attained the unattainable; he accomplished the unimaginable and achieved what so many claimed would be unachievable. He finally managed to stand on his own on his 30th birthday, despite all the insurmountable odds. Our warrior friend succeeded! Keeping the naysayers at bay paid off and the enjoyment of a new life laid before him.
As Andrew Bells says:
I’d like to think my journey could bring hope to people, especially to young people and children, to see that they shouldn’t give up.”
The entire team at Verita Neuro wishes Andrew good luck with his next project, which is to run a marathon. There is no doubt in anybody’s mind that he will achieve it.
Contact globalstemcells.com to learn more about Epidural Stimulation and the amazing results that Spinal Cord Injury patients have achieved thanks to this revolutionary treatment.